Learning from a Bad Experience, Part 2 (TMF:2414)

Peace to Live By: Learning from a Bad Experience, Part 2 (TMF:2414) - Daniel Litton
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       In the first approach, where we become all-upset and stay upset, really the problem is that we are self-righteous (that we are prideful) and that we perhaps love self-pity. Self-righteousness comes into the picture when we refuse to admit that we did anything wrong, or is our view that ‘how dare others do wrong to me!’ Either way, we are holding ourselves up on a pedestal. We are saying one of the following: “I am awesome and could not have done anything wrong,” or we are saying, “How dare someone go against my awesome personhood.” Yeah, we are prideful for sure. This also probably means that we love self-pity, because now we are focusing on the wrong done and how it affects us. We are looking at the bad experience and only focusing on how are have been negatively affected, and we have no view for what this bad experience can beget for us in the future. The reality is, is that most situations in life are not all-or-nothing. Or, we could say it is not a zero-sum game.