Attacking Reoccurring Thoughts, Part 1 (TMF:2416)

Peace to Live By: Attacking Reoccurring Thoughts, Part 1 (TMF:2416) - Daniel Litton
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       And thoughts can even be ignored, where, one focuses on the ‘feeling’ as a whole instead of the thought. What this means is that when we have a series of thoughts about an event, let’s say, someone said something against us in a public setting, we have different thoughts about that—different camera angles if you will of the event. So, instead of trying to tackle all those thoughts, what can be done instead is just to focus on the overall feeling that the thoughts represent. So, in the case of someone saying something against us, we could think, “They spoke something against me” and just focus on that feeling and ignoring all the thoughts. That allows for the ‘feeling’ to pass, and that in turn stops the onslaught of thoughts associated with it. But it’s also important in dealing with reoccurring thoughts to have a plan of attack in that you have a series of ‘dialogues’ you go through when that particular thought or feeling emerges. This model was demonstrated for us when Jesus was tempted by Satan in desert.