Practice the 20-Minute Rule, Part 1 (TMF:2436)

Peace to Live By: Practice the 20-Minute Rule, Part 1 (TMF:2436) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       This is something that I have created in my own life that I have found to be beneficial toward getting things done. We all have days where we don’t ‘feel’ like doing our work, doing the things that we need to do. Really, it could even be our devotional time. We could wake up in a really bad mood and just not feel like reading anything. Or it could be a huge project that we need to work on and one of which we don’t particularly care for, and perhaps we are even dreading it. Well, I have figured out a way past this roadblock to getting things done. I call the solution the 20-Minute Rule. Actually, it is quite simple. Generally when I don’t feel like doing something, I just go against my emotions and start doing it anyway. Usually, after about 20 minutes of doing that task, my emotions will have changed as I built up some momentum in doing the task and now (after the 20-minutes) I will actually want to continue working on whatever it is. It is actually quite amazing that we can change our emotions like that. I’ve just found that it usually can take up to 20 minutes for the shift to occur. Sometimes it happens in five or ten minutes.