Who is Right, & Who is Wrong? Part 3 (TMF:2440)

Peace to Live By: Who is Right, & Who is Wrong? Part 3 (TMF:2440) - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download two-minute feature)

       So, on the flip side of this, when I visit a church that does not agree with such things—that Jesus was more pro-feminism than a lot of people believe—does this then mean that they are right because they argue from a more traditional viewpoint? I mean they have thousands of years of church history to back them up. How do I personally decide who is right? The truth is, just because this particular church may disagree with the other church doesn’t mean that the other church is wrong. Just saying something is bad doesn’t actually make it bad or wrong. In many types of these areas in the Christian life, those which are in the big group of third level issues, there are a lot of opinions. And as the Apostle Paul said, we believe what we believe by faith, and each of us stands or falls in front of God based on that faith. There is no need to tear up the one who disagrees because really that is between them and God.