The Five-Second Rule on Thoughts, Part 2 (TMF:2446)

Peace to Live By: The Five-Second Rule on Thoughts, Part 2 (TMF:2446) - Daniel Litton
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       So, it’s like our minds are like a geyser that spews out water, and the water represents the negative things. Therefore, we always have one hand on the geyser trying to keep the negativity from coming forth. So, what happens is that when we get angry, we are so upset that we take our hand off of the geyser to deal with the anger. That allows negativity to come forward. Same thing happens when we are trying to enjoy something. We’ve taken our hands off the geyser and then that starts to allow the water of negativity to spray in our minds. So, again, the Biblical saying becomes true for us, that it is the little foxes that spoil the vineyard. We can’t have a good time if we don’t have good discipline of our minds. That means choosing what to think about. Sounds simple, yet, it’s been one of the greatest battles I’ve ever faced. I’m sure you would agree. But, since we’re short on time, I’ll make it simple. I’ll cut straight to the point. The truth is, all of our thoughts are rooted in some sort of desire we have.