
**Episode 7: The Reality of God’s Heavenly Beings, the Angels**
Episode 67: God's Angelic Beings- Our Ministering Spirits**
Episode 72: End Times Judgments, Part 2- Trumpets 1-4
Episode 73: End Times Judgments, Part 3- Trumpets 5-7
Episode 74: End Times Judgments, Part 4- Bowls 1-3
Episode 75: End Times Judgments, Part 5- Bowls 4-7
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 3


Episode 14: Exposing Errors in Postmodern Thinking
Episode 21: Why I Believe What I Believe
Episode 22: The Bible as Sufficient & Complete
Episode 47: Attacks on Christianity, Part 1- The Bible
Episode 48: Attacks on Christianity, Part 2- The Church
Episode 49: Attacks on Christianity, Part 3- ‘Free’ Thinking
Special Episode: Addressing America’s Moral Condition
Episode 66: Deceptive Tactics from Satan, Our Enemy
Romans Series: Chapter 1

The Bible

Episode 22: The Bible as Sufficient & Complete
Episode 35: Advice for Young People on the Christian Walk
Episode 38: The Importance of God’s Word in Our Lives
Episode 39: Troubling Passages for Eternal Security
Episode 46: Understanding Biblical Repentance
Episode 47: Attacks on Christianity, Part 1- The Bible
Episode 66: Deceptive Tactics from Satan, Our Enemy
Special Episode: Answering Listeners' Questions, Part 1 (Season 4)
Special Episode: Answering Listeners' Questions, Part 2 (Season 4)


Special Episode: The Significance Behind Christ’s Birth
Episode 40: The Failure of Satan to Thwart God’s Plan
Special Episode: An American History of Christmastime

The Church

Episode 2: Israel’s Standing & The Role of the Church**
Episode 18: The Born-Again Christian’s Sanctification
Episode 20: Christ’s Kingdom- The Disciples’ Perspective
Episode 28: Right Attitudes, Part 2- Loving God & Others
Episode 29: Right Attitudes, Part 3- Living Free of Legalism
Episode 35: Advice for Young People on the Christian Walk
Episode 48: Attacks on Christianity, Part 2- The Church
Episode 52: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives, Part 2
Episode 53: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives, Part 3
Episode 54: The Model Church of the Thessalonians**
Episode 65: Breakthroughs Part 5- Speaking God’s Word
Episode 67: God's Angelic Beings- Our Ministering Spirits
Episode 79: Heaven- Our Eternal Home as Believers, Part 1
Episode 80: Heaven- Our Eternal Home as Believers, Part 2
Special Episode: Answering Listeners' Questions, Part 1 (Season 4)
Romans Series: Chapter 14
Romans Series: Chapter 15
Romans Series: Chapter 16
Study of James: The Poor vs. the Rich
Study of James: Saying & Actually Doing
Study of James: To Teach or Not to Teach
Study of James: The Humble vs. the Selfish
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 3
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 4
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 5
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 4
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 1 & 2, Part 1
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 1 & 2, Part 2

Colossians Musings

Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 3
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 4
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 5
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 3
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 4
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 1 & 2, Part 1
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 1 & 2, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 3
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 4
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 5
Colossians Musings: Chapter 4, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 4, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 4, Part 3
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 3 & 4


**Episode 3: The Creation of Mankind & Understanding Sin**
Episode 21: Why I Believe What I Believe
Episode 23: The Creation of the World, Part 1: Days 1-4**
Episode 24: The Creation of the World, Part 2: Days 5-7**
Special Episode: Answering Listeners’ Questions (Season 1)
Romans Series: Chapter 1
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 3
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 3**

End Times

Episode 2: Israel’s Standing & The Role of the Church
Episode 11: End Times, Part 1: The Rapture & Tribulation**
Episode 12: End Times, Part 2- When Jesus Comes Again**
Episode 13: End Times, Part 3: Judgments for All Humans**
Episode 19: Hell- The Eternal Sentence of Unbelievers
Episode 20: Christ’s Kingdom- The Disciples’ Perspective
Special Episode: Answering Listeners’ Questions (Season 1)
Episode 71: End Times Judgments, Part 1- The Seals**
Episode 72: End Times Judgments, Part 2- Trumpets 1-4**
Episode 73: End Times Judgments, Part 3- Trumpets 5-7**
Episode 74: End Times Judgments, Part 4- Bowls 1-3**
Episode 75: End Times Judgments, Part 5- Bowls 4-7**
Episode 79: Heaven- Our Eternal Home as Believers, Part 1
Episode 80: Heaven- Our Eternal Home as Believers, Part 2


**Episode 4: Study of God, Part 1- Attributes of God**
Episode 5: Study of God, Part 2- The Trinity**
Episode 8: Providence of the Perfect Almighty
Episode 9: How God Reveals Himself to Mankind
Episode 21: Why I Believe What I Believe
Episode 27: Right Attitudes, Part 1- Always in God's Care
Episode 28: Right Attitudes, Part 2- Loving God & Others
Episode 38: The Importance of God’s Word in Our Lives
Episode 40: The Failure of Satan to Thwart God’s Plan
Special Episode: Answering Listeners’ Questions (Season 1)
Episode 79: Heaven- Our Eternal Home as Believers, Part 1
Episode 80: Heaven- Our Eternal Home as Believers, Part 2
Special Episode: Answering Listeners' Questions, Part 1 (Season 4)
Study of James: Coming Close to God

The Gospel

Episode 1: The Good News & Christ’s Present Ministry**
Episode 9: How God Reveals Himself to Mankind
Episode 20: Christ’s Kingdom- The Disciples’ Perspective
Episode 31: The Sacrifice of the Christ for Our Sins, Part 1**
Episode 32: The Sacrifice of the Christ for Our Sins, Part 2**
Episode 40: The Failure of Satan to Thwart God’s Plan
Episode 54: The Model Church of the Thessalonians
Episode 59: Mark’s Account of the Resurrection of Christ
Episode 61: Breakthroughs Part 1- The Grace We Live By**
Episode 75: End Times Judgments, Part 5- Bowls 4-7
Special Episode: Answering Listeners' Questions, Part 1 (Season 4)
Special Episode: Answering Listeners' Questions, Part 2 (Season 4)
Romans Series: Chapter 3**
Romans Series: Chapter 9
Romans Series: Chapter 10
Romans Series: Chapter 11, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 11, Part 2
Study of James: To Teach or Not to Teach
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 4
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 1 & 2, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 4, Part 1
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 3 & 4

Happiness Points

Happiness Points: #1-7
Happiness Points: #8-14
Happiness Points: #15-21
Happiness Points: #22-28
Happiness Points: #29-35
Happiness Points: #36-42
Happiness Points: #43-49
Happiness Points: #50-56
Happiness Points: #57-62
Happiness Points: #63-68
Happiness Points: #69-75
Happiness Points: #76-82
Happiness Points: #83-89
Happiness Points: #90-96
Happiness Points: #97-102
Happiness Points: #103-109
Happiness Points: #110-116
Happiness Points: #117-123
Happiness Points: #124-130


Episode 71: End Times Judgments, Part 1- The Seals
Episode 72: End Times Judgments, Part 2- Trumpets 1-4
Episode 73: End Times Judgments, Part 3- Trumpets 5-7
Episode 74: End Times Judgments, Part 4- Bowls 1-3
Episode 79: Heaven- Our Eternal Home as Believers, Part 1**
Episode 80: Heaven- Our Eternal Home as Believers, Part 2**
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 3
Study of James: What is Genuine Faith?


**Episode 19: Hell- The Eternal Sentence of Unbelievers**
Special Episode: Answering Listeners’ Questions (Season 1)
Romans Series: Chapter 5, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 4

American History

Episode 6: The Reality of Satan & His Demons
Episode 7: The Reality of God’s Heavenly Beings, the Angels
Episode 8: Providence of the Perfect Almighty
Episode 12: End Times, Part 2- When Jesus Comes Again
Episode 27: Right Attitudes, Part 1- Always in God's Care
Episode 28: Right Attitudes, Part 2- Loving God & Others
Episode 29: Right Attitudes, Part 3- Living Free of Legalism
Special Episode: Giving Thanks for George Washington**
Episode 45: Our Determination in Difficult Times
Episode 50: When All of Our Hopes Seem Lost
Episode 60: Our Minds in Christ- Kept of Unkept?
Special Episode: Addressing America’s Moral Condition**
Special Episode: An American History of Christmastime
Episode 79: Heaven- Our Eternal Home as Believers, Part 1
Episode 80: Heaven- Our Eternal Home as Believers, Part 2
Romans Series: Chapter 3
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 11, Part 2
Romans Series: Chapter 13
Special: Jefferson, Monticello, & the Creator**
Special: Washington's Letters to the Churches**

The Holy Spirit

Episode 5: Study of God, Part 2- The Trinity**
Episode 51: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives, Part 1
Episode 52: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives, Part 2
Episode 53: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives, Part 3
Episode 56: The Holy Spirit’s Fruit in Our Lives, Part 1
Episode 57: The Holy Spirit’s Fruit in Our Lives, Part 2
Episode 58: The Holy Spirit’s Fruit in Our Lives, Part 3
Romans Series: Chapter 7, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 7, Part 2
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 5
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 5
Colossians Musings: Chapter 4, Part 3


Episode 2: Israel’s Standing & The Role of the Church**
Episode 20: Christ’s Kingdom- The Disciples’ Perspective
Special Episode: Answering Listeners’ Questions (Season 1)
Episode 69: Our Lord’s Personal Model for Praying, Part 2
Episode 70: Our Lord’s Personal Model for Praying, Part 3
Episode 73: End Times Judgments, Part 3- Trumpets 5-7
Episode 75: End Times Judgments, Part 5- Bowls 4-7
Romans Series: Chapter 2
Romans Series: Chapter 3
Romans Series: Chapter 4
Romans Series: Chapter 7, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 9**
Romans Series: Chapter 10**
Romans Series: Chapter 11, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 11, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 5
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 1 & 2, Part 1
James, The Study of

Study of James: Intro & Methods, Part 1
Study of James: Intro & Methods, Part 2
Study of James: Navigating Thru Trials
Study of James: Trials & What We Want
Study of James: The Best of Both Worlds
Study of James: God Has Set Us Free
Study of James: The Poor vs. the Rich
Study of James: What is the Royal Law?
Study of James: What is Genuine Faith?
Study of James: Saying & Actually Doing
Study of James: To Teach or Not to Teach
Study of James: Thoughts Beget Speech
Study of James: The Humble vs. the Selfish
Study of James: What We Want Again?
Study of James: Coming Close to God
Study of James: Presumption & Wantingness
Study of James: Having Patience & Suffering
Study of James: Our Word & Our Prayers

Jesus Christ

Episode 1: The Good News & Christ’s Present Ministry
Episode 5: Study of God, Part 2- The Trinity**
Episode 20: Christ’s Kingdom- The Disciples’ Perspective
Episode 25: Understanding the Beatitudes of Jesus, Part 1
Episode 26: Understanding the Beatitudes of Jesus, Part 2
Episode 31: The Sacrifice of the Christ for Our Sins, Part 1**
Episode 32: The Sacrifice of the Christ for Our Sins, Part 2**
Episode 40: The Failure of Satan to Thwart God’s Plan
Episode 54: The Model Church of the Thessalonians
Episode 59: Mark’s Account of the Resurrection of Christ
Episode 61: Breakthroughs Part 1- The Grace We Live By
Episode 68: Our Lord’s Personal Model for Praying, Part 1
Episode 69: Our Lord’s Personal Model for Praying, Part 2
Episode 70: Our Lord’s Personal Model for Praying, Part 3
Episode 76: Hard Sayings from Our Lord Jesus, Part 1
Episode 77: Hard Sayings from Our Lord Jesus, Part 2
Episode 78: Hard Sayings from Our Lord Jesus, Part 3
Romans Series: Chapter 3
Romans Series: Chapter 5, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 3**
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 4**
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 5
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 3

John, According to

According to John: Intro & 1:1-13
According to John: 1:14-51
According to John: 2:1-25
According to John: 3:1-21
According to John: 3:22-4:26
According to John: 4:27-5:17
According to John: 5:18-47
According to John: 6:1-40
According to John: 6:41-7:9
According to John: 7:10-52
According to John: 7:53-8:26
According to John: 8:27-59
According to John: 9:1-41
According to John: 10:1-30
According to John: 10:31-11:44
According to John: 11:45-12:36
According to John: 12:37-13:30
According to John: 13:31-14:11
According to John: 14:12-31
According to John: 15:1-27
According to John: 16:1-33
According to John: 17:1-14
According to John: 17:15-18:11
According to John: 18:12-40
According to John: 19:1-37
According to John: 19:38-20:31
According to John: 21:1-25


Episode 10: Living as Seniors, Married, Parents, & Singles
Episode 15: Love Gone Astray- Adultery & Divorce
Episode 16: Love Done Right, Part 1- 1 Corinthians 7**
Episode 17: Love Done Right, Part 2- 1 Corinthians 13**
Episode 28: Right Attitudes, Part 2- Loving God & Others**
Episode 33: Striving for Purity, Part 1- The Man’s Side
Episode 34: Striving for Purity, Part 2- The Woman’s Side
Episode 35: Advice for Young People on the Christian Walk
Episode 55: Dealing with Problems in Marriage
Episode 56: The Holy Spirit’s Fruit in Our Lives, Part 1
Study of James: What is the Royal Law?
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 5**


Episode 37: Wrong Attitudes Cultivated by Satan, Part 2
Episode 44: Peace to Live By, Part 4- Our Peace Kept
Episode 45: Our Determination in Difficult Times
Episode 52: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives, Part 2
Episode 57: The Holy Spirit’s Fruit in Our Lives, Part 2
Romans Series: Chapter 4
Study of James: Navigating Thru Trials
Study of James: Trials & What We Want
Study of James: Presumption & Wantingness
Study of James: Having Patience & Suffering**
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 3

Peace (Anxiety-Free Living)

Episode 27: Right Attitudes, Part 1- Always in God's Care
Episode 30: Right Attitudes, Part 4- With Joy & Thankfulness
Episode 36: Wrong Attitudes Cultivated by Satan, Part 1
Episode 37: Wrong Attitudes Cultivated by Satan, Part 2
Episode 41: Peace to Live By, Part 1- Our Peace in Jesus**
Episode 42: Peace to Live By, Part 2- Our Peace Taken**
Episode 43: Peace to Live By, Part 3- Our Peace Taken**
Episode 44: Peace to Live By, Part 4- Our Peace Kept**
Episode 56: The Holy Spirit’s Fruit in Our Lives, Part 1
Episode 60: Our Minds in Christ- Kept of Unkept?
Episode 61: Breakthroughs Part 1- The Grace We Live By
Episode 62: Breakthroughs Part 2- Choosing Our Thoughts**
Episode 63: Breakthroughs Part 3- Having Hopeful Thoughts**
Episode 64: Breakthroughs Part 4- Avoiding Careless Words**
Episode 65: Breakthroughs Part 5- Speaking God’s Word**
Episode 67: God's Angelic Beings- Our Ministering Spirits
Special Episode: Answering Listeners' Questions, Part 2 (Season 4)
Romans Series: Chapter 5, Part 1**
Study of James: Intro & Methods, Part 2
Study of James: What is the Royal Law?
Study of James: Thoughts Beget Speech
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 4**


Episode 35: Advice for Young People on the Christian Walk
Episode 68: Our Lord’s Personal Model for Praying, Part 1**
Episode 69: Our Lord’s Personal Model for Praying, Part 2**
Episode 70: Our Lord’s Personal Model for Praying, Part 3**
Special Episode: Answering Listeners' Questions, Part 1 (Season 4)
Special Episode: Answering Listeners' Questions, Part 2 (Season 4)
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 3
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 4
Study of James: Coming Close to God**
Study of James: Our Word & Our Prayers
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 2**
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 5
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 1 & 2, Part 1
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 1 & 2, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 4, Part 1**
Colossians Musings: Chapter 4, Part 3
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 3 & 4

Romans Series

Romans Series: Chapter 1
Romans Series: Chapter 2
Romans Series: Chapter 3
Romans Series: Chapter 4
Romans Series: Chapter 5, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 5, Part 2
Romans Series: Chapter 6, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 6, Part 2
Romans Series: Chapter 7, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 7, Part 2
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 2
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 3
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 4
Romans Series: Chapter 9
Romans Series: Chapter 10
Romans Series: Chapter 11, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 11, Part 2
Romans Series: Chapter 12
Romans Series: Chapter 13
Romans Series: Chapter 14
Romans Series: Chapter 15
Romans Series: Chapter 16


**Episode 6: The Reality of Satan & His Demons**
Episode 36: Wrong Attitudes Cultivated by Satan, Part 1
Episode 37: Wrong Attitudes Cultivated by Satan, Part 2
Episode 40: The Failure of Satan to Thwart God’s Plan**
Special Episode: Answering Listeners’ Questions (Season 1)
Episode 51: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives, Part 1
Episode 66: Deceptive Tactics from Satan, Our Enemy**
Episode 70: Our Lord’s Personal Model for Praying, Part 3
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 3
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 4
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 3
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 4, Part 1
Colossians Discussions: Chapters 3 & 4


**Episode 3: The Creation of Mankind & Understanding Sin**
Episode 9: How God Reveals Himself to Mankind
Episode 14: Exposing Errors in Postmodern Thinking
Episode 15: Love Gone Astray- Adultery & Divorce
Episode 18: The Born-Again Christian’s Sanctification**
Special Episode: Answering Listeners’ Questions (Season 1)
Episode 29: Right Attitudes, Part 3- Living Free of Legalism
Episode 31: The Sacrifice of the Christ for Our Sins, Part 1
Episode 32: The Sacrifice of the Christ for Our Sins, Part 2
Episode 33: Striving for Purity, Part 1- The Man’s Side
Episode 34: Striving for Purity, Part 2- The Woman’s Side
Episode 35: Advice for Young People on the Christian Walk
Episode 36: Wrong Attitudes Cultivated by Satan, Part 1
Episode 37: Wrong Attitudes Cultivated by Satan, Part 2
Episode 39: Troubling Passages for Eternal Security
Episode 46: Understanding Biblical Repentance**
Episode 49: Attacks on Christianity, Part 3- ‘Free’ Thinking
Episode 51: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives, Part 1
Episode 60: Our Minds in Christ- Kept of Unkept?
Special Episode: Addressing America’s Moral Condition
Episode 62: Breakthroughs Part 2- Choosing Our Thoughts
Episode 64: Breakthroughs Part 4- Avoiding Careless Words
Episode 66: Deceptive Tactics from Satan, Our Enemy**
Romans Series: Chapter 1**
Romans Series: Chapter 2
Romans Series: Chapter 3
Romans Series: Chapter 6, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 6, Part 2
Romans Series: Chapter 7, Part 1
Romans Series: Chapter 7, Part 2**
Romans Series: Chapter 14
Study of James: The Best of Both Worlds
Study of James: God Has Set Us Free
Study of James: The Poor vs. the Rich
Study of James: What is the Royal Law?
Study of James: What is Genuine Faith?
Study of James: Saying & Actually Doing
Study of James: The Humble vs. the Selfish
Study of James: What We Want Again?
Study of James: Coming Close to God
Study of James: Presumption & Wantingness
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 3
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 4
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 2**

Speaking (Positive Speech)

Episode 44: Peace to Live By, Part 4- Our Peace Kept
Episode 51: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives, Part 1
Episode 53: The Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives, Part 3
Episode 58: The Holy Spirit’s Fruit in Our Lives, Part 3
**Episode 64: Breakthroughs Part 4- Avoiding Careless Words**
Episode 65: Breakthroughs Part 5- Speaking God’s Word**
Study of James: Thoughts Beget Speech
Study of James: Our Word & Our Prayers
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 4
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 5**


Episode 27: Right Attitudes, Part 1- Always in God's Care
Episode 29: Right Attitudes, Part 3- Living Free of Legalism
Episode 30: Right Attitudes, Part 4- With Joy & Thankfulness**
Romans Series: Chapter 8, Part 4
Study of James: The Humble vs. the Selfish
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 1
Colossians Musings: Chapter 1, Part 3
Colossians Musings: Chapter 2, Part 2
Colossians Musings: Chapter 3, Part 4
Colossians Musings: Chapter 4, Part 1

** Asterisks are for the sermons that are particularly noteworthy to the topic at hand.