Enjoying Our Journeys in Life (TMF:2391)

Peace to Live By: Enjoying Our Journeys in Life (TMF:2391) - Daniel Litton
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       Our effort can only be consistent when when we have enough energy to do the next project. If we overwork on something, we are going to be too burned out to even more on to the next thing. But by doing a good job instead, we are pleased with our work, and having done that good job, we can accomplish the next task with energy still left in us. The truth is, everything in the world could in fact be done better. There is always a way, or a person, who can do something better. Jesus strove for good, consistent effort when he was here on the earth. He didn’t overwork, and he didn’t underwork. He had a good balance. He spent a lot of time praying by himself. He spent time socializing. He didn’t rush from one point to the next to try to get in as many places as he possibility could on his grand tour. He left a lot to do for the Apostles after him, for the Apostle Paul even. One could say that Paul was more zealous than the Lord, and he even left things undone for others to complete. The point is we don’t have to do everything ourselves. It’s okay to do a fair share, and that is good enough.