Deciding We Don’t Judge the Creator, Part 1 (TMF:2395)

Peace to Live By: Deciding We Don’t Judge the Creator, Part 1 (TMF:2395) - Daniel Litton
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       Probably one of the biggest temptations I have faced in my own life is to judge the Creator when bad things happen. I mean, it sounds so bad. “Why would you judge God for bad things that happen?” someone might ask. And I think my logic behind it always was that, “Well, God had the ability to prevent whatever it was. Therefore, God is at fault.” However, with that kind of mindset, we will quickly find ourselves at fault because God never is. Just because God has the ability to prevent things doesn’t mean he is at fault when bad things happen. Let’s think about this whole concept. God has given everyone the ability to make choices. We can choose to do this or that, for the good and even for the bad. I have come to the conclusion over many years of thinking about it that God is not at fault because he had limited himself (in a way we really cannot understand) to humans choices. What I mean is that God allows humans to make choices and he refuses to interfere with those choices. Understanding things that way makes much more sense.

Moving Away from Low Vibe People, Part 3 (TMF:2394)

Peace to Live By: Moving Away from Low Vibe People, Part 3 (TMF:2394) - Daniel Litton
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       Remember, the Apostle Paul told us in the Scriptures to think about good things. He made a very specific point of that. It doesn’t mean that we aren’t going to have problems. It doesn’t mean that everything will always be the way we want it. Yet even Paul, in the ways he put himself out there for the Gospel, being arrested and what not, still believed one should have positive thoughts. I mean, have you ever thought about that? If anyone had the ‘right’ to be negative it was Paul. And yet he deliberately choose to think about good things in the midst of everything he was doing. If we don’t move away from negative people, we will end up poisoning our lives. It is just that simple. As another Biblical writer talked about, the same well cannot bring forth good water and bad water at the same time. No matter what needs to be done, what one has to do, moving away from low vibe people is critical. This way, they cannot bring you down energetically, and you are then free to think about things the right ways, the correct ways. You are free to think positively because you don’t always have negative people standing around ready to pop your balloons.

Moving Away from Low Vibe People, Part 2 (TMF:2393)

Peace to Live By: Moving Away from Low Vibe People, Part 2 (TMF:2393) - Daniel Litton
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       You see, the low vibe person is one who is filled with internal problems that haven’t been dealt with. Sometimes a person is aware they are low vibe, but usually they are not aware of it. Some in fact think that the whole Christian life is supposed to be low vibe. They’ll say, “We live in a sinful world. Things are bad. We aren’t supposed to be happy. We are supposed to sacrifice and suffer.” All they are seeing is the negative. They can’t see the positive no matter what you do. Again, it’s because this negativity is coming from the inside. It is what is on the inside that becomes our characters. How is that we aren’t supposed to live negatively, or supposed to sacrifice and suffer in our lives? Remember, the Apostle Paul told us in the Scriptures to think about good things. He made a very specific point of that. It doesn’t mean that we aren’t going to have problems. It doesn’t mean that everything will always be the way we want it. Yet even Paul, in the ways he put himself out there for the Gospel, being arrested and what not, still believed one should have positive thoughts. I mean, have you ever thought about that? If anyone had the ‘right’ to be negative it was Paul.

Moving Away from Low Vibe People, Part 1 (TMF:2392)

Peace to Live By: Moving Away from Low Vibe People, Part 1 (TMF:2392) - Daniel Litton
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       I am a firm believer that if we are going to live happy, successful lives that one of the things we have to do is eliminate the low vibe people from our lives as much as possible. This is because of what the Bible tells us in that bad company messes up a good person. We might think of bad company as a person who is clearly involved in sin, or clearly involved in things we don’t want to be involved with as a Christian. But, the truth is, bad company can also be people who drag us down energetically. People who are discouragers instead of encouragers. People who have an overly serious way about them, who discourage fun, who value perfectionism and suffering. These are people we want to get away from. You see, the low vibe person is one who is filled with internal problems that haven’t been dealt with. Sometimes a person is aware they are low vibe, but usually they are not aware of it. Some in fact think that the whole Christian life is supposed to be low vibe. They’ll say, “We live in a sinful world. Things are bad. We aren’t supposed to be happy. We are supposed to sacrifice and suffer.”

Enjoying Our Journeys in Life (TMF:2391)

Peace to Live By: Enjoying Our Journeys in Life (TMF:2391) - Daniel Litton
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       Our effort can only be consistent when when we have enough energy to do the next project. If we overwork on something, we are going to be too burned out to even more on to the next thing. But by doing a good job instead, we are pleased with our work, and having done that good job, we can accomplish the next task with energy still left in us. The truth is, everything in the world could in fact be done better. There is always a way, or a person, who can do something better. Jesus strove for good, consistent effort when he was here on the earth. He didn’t overwork, and he didn’t underwork. He had a good balance. He spent a lot of time praying by himself. He spent time socializing. He didn’t rush from one point to the next to try to get in as many places as he possibility could on his grand tour. He left a lot to do for the Apostles after him, for the Apostle Paul even. One could say that Paul was more zealous than the Lord, and he even left things undone for others to complete. The point is we don’t have to do everything ourselves. It’s okay to do a fair share, and that is good enough.