When Praying, Quality over Quantity Part 1 (TMF:2407)

Peace to Live By: When Praying, Quality over Quantity Part 1 (TMF:2407) - Daniel Litton
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       We love our prayer time with God. Sometimes in spending that time, I think we wonder how long we should actually be spending. There seems to be that temptation that we need to stretch things out a little bit with God for fear that we aren’t spending enough time with him. But what I have found to be true is that I believe the quality of our prayers is more important than the quantity. What I mean is that I would rather spend five minutes of mindful prayer, than fifteen minutes of prayer that is wordy and just seems to be stretched out. I don’t think God is as concerned with the quantity as much as he is the quality. We see this concept in reading the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18. Often what is focused on is the attitudes of the prayers, and certainly, there is a lot that can be said about that. But we can also focus on the fact that the Pharisee’s, or religious leader’s, prayer was a lot longer than that of the tax collector, or sinner we might say. The sinner’s prayer was a lot more basic and humble. It cut straight to the point of what the man wanted to say.