Peace to Live By Study of James: Our Word & Our Prayers - Daniel Litton
(Tap or right-click link to download broadcast)

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[Transcript may not match broadcasted sermon word for word. Sections in bold are extra material that was cut from the broadcast due to time constraints]

       *** Special note: Hey everyone,

       As we are instructed to pray always and to pray without ceasing, I think these are some good areas where we can do that. Let us offer prayer for:

- the sick, and the families of those who have passed
- the vulnerable, more at risk
- the hospital workers
- the people making new hospital equipment
- the parents who are caring for their children home from school
- our leaders, national and local, the President and the Governor, and the National Guard
- our free press, as we work to bring the latest news
- those who are out of work due to business closings
- Churches as a whole, for a spirit of encouragement
- our Amish brothers and sisters, who, as we know, are independent of the regular community and government.

Prayer makes the difference. God is utilizing his angelic beings in the unseen realm on our behalf.

       Today's episode again will air as originally written and recorded about a month ago. I think it is definitely appropriate considering the time.

- Daniel Litton ***